Archives for November 2015

Constitución de los EEUU Explicada en Español

David J. Shestokas, abogado especialista en derecho constitucional, y la Dra. Berta Isabel Arias, autora, han publicado Cápsulas Informativas Constitucionales. Esta publicación le ofrece a la población hispanohablante una oportunidad sin precedentes para mejor comprender sus libertades, combinando traducciones de los documentos fundadores americanos con un análisis estimulante del contexto histórico e implicaciones contemporáneas.  Cápsulas Informativas […]

Cápsulas Informativas Constitucionales (Constitutional Sound Bites) Now In Spanish

Attorney David J. Shestokas and author Dr. Berta Isabel Arias have released Cápsulas Informativas Constitucionales, now available on Amazon. This publication affords America’s Spanish speaking population an unprecedented opportunity to understand their freedoms, combining translations of America’s founding documents with an engaging discussion of historical context and contemporary application. Honoring a proud tradition, Cápsulas Informativas Constitucionales promotes understanding […]

Treason: The Only Crime Defined in the US Constitution

The commitment of America’s Founders to the rule of law appears in many elements of the Constitution. The fact that Treason is the only crime defined[1] in the Constitution is among those elements. Article III, Section 3 provides that: “Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering […]