First Amendment to the Constitution: Freedom of Religion

Freedom of Religion is the first of our natural rights acknowledged in the First Amendment and limits government’s power to establish an official religion or interfere with a citizen’s exercise of religion. This is a recognition of freedom of religion, not freedom from religion. The first ten amendments to the US Constitution are referred to […]

Update on Religious Liberty Battle: Appeals Court Rules for Colleges and New Cases

On December 18, 2012, an appeals court ruling in the battle for religious liberty opposing imposition of an Obamacare contraception mandate favored the religious colleges opposing the mandate.  With the December 14 filing of a suit by Domino’s Farms and Thomas Monaghan, the number of federal lawsuits around the country has grown to 42. The […]

Amendment I to the US Constitution: An Overview

The US Constitution grants enumerated powers to the central government. The drafters believed enumerating the powers limited the government. This was the argument Federalists made based upon an accepted  rule for interpreting legal documents: Expressio unius est exclusio alterius (“the express mention of one thing excludes all others”).  With that principle in mind, the government could not […]

Article VI of the Constitution: US Debt, Oaths & The Supremacy Clause

Article VI’s first clause was a bit of housekeeping in reassuring creditors of the United States that they would be paid by the new government formed under the Constitution. The third clause ensured that the government of the country would be secular and office holders at all levels of government would swear loyalty to the […]

Article I of the US Constitution

The United States Congress is the branch of government that passes laws. This authority is granted by Article I of the Constitution. The Constitution is organized into seven articles. Article I, defines the legislature, its powers and prohibitions and defines relations between the federal and state governments.  Article II defines the presidency.  Article III defines […]

Ongoing Legal Battles Against The Federal Assault on Religious Liberty

With the October filing of a lawsuit by the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Miami, the number of lawsuits challenging rules put forth under the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) mandating that health plans must include morally objectionable benefits that has grown to thirty-seven. Religious freedom and the First Amendment’s Free Exercise of Religion Clause  have come […]