The 2012 Elections: What happened? Why? What now?

Election 2012 BadgeThe November elections must serve as a wake-up call for those who love limited government, individual liberties, and the principles of free enterprise – as embodied in America’s founding documents, the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.

Understanding the Republican 2012 Election Loss

Romney and the GOP did not lose on principles, nor because of a biased media, nor because their opponents offered superior candidates or better ideas. They lost because Republicans preached to a choir too small to win on a national level. In the process they ignored or alienated various factions that were easily influenced by progressive arguments or swayed by single issues where they saw the GOP as threatening their own self-interests.

Additionally the GOP was beaten badly in getting the vote out and in messaging; with the Democrats appealing to emotions and far better targeting/tailoring communications for various demographic groups.

The Reaction of Many Americans to the Democrat Victory

As a result America now faces four more years of a continued reckless spending with a devastating slide toward unsustainable debt and the serfdom of government dependence. And millions of conservative, libertarian, and socially-moderate-but-fiscally-conservative Americans are suffering despair, pessimism, defeatism, anger, hopelessness, and even withdrawal.

These emotions are the WRONG responses.  Now is NOT a time to surrender or disengage. Now is a time for who can to connect, educate, and inspire others.

Unity of the Libertarian, Conservative and Moderate Needed to Save the Future

Libertarian/conservative Americans and those moderates who agree with them on perhaps 80% of the issues must UNITE and get involved. Otherwise the future will be handed to an ideological well-organized minority that truly sees more government as the answer to everything.

Acceptance of Reality:   This Did Not Come About Over Night

Mitt Romney and Barack ObamaTo begin, all need to accept several realities.  What is happening today is NOT to be blamed on President Barack Obama or Nancy Pelosi or Harry Reid. It took decades for America to slide. And it happened on our watch – while we the “silent majority” were engaged in our careers and raising families.

It will now take decades and a generation or two to turn the ship around. To begin, today’s young Americans of all demographics must better understand America and its promise.

The Blame is Not on Media, Hollywood or Academia

Our failure so far to reach/educate/unite others should not be blamed on the media, Hollywood, or academia. Blame instead too much apathy, the break-up of the family, an inability of libertarians, conservatives, and moderates to focus on where they agree and unite behind common goals, a failure to understand today’s demographics – and a SERIOUS void in leadership.

Today’s progressives are clearly led by the President. But it’s impossible to name the leading conservative voice today – a vacuum filled by radio/TV talk-show hosts and guests who will NEVER bring into the tent the millions needed to restore the America we love.

New Leadership to End the In-Fighting

Marco Rubio

Senator Marco Rubio of Florida

New leadership is needed to end the in-fighting amongst conservatives, libertarians, and centrists – to cease the destructive bickering that helps progressives score victory after victory.

Witness the current debate on immigration reform – with right-wing spoke-persons declaring Marco Rubio a RINO.  Witness similar conservative/libertarian/moderate disagreements on issues like climate control, as we have on abortion, gay marriage, and entitlements – and witness great conservative organizations taking opposing views on social issues – while progressives divide, conquer, and win the hearts of those in the center.

Conservatives/libertarians simply MUST come together to inspire and educate centrists/moderates about the criticality of individual liberties/responsibilities and moral arguments for free enterprise. They must focus where most agree and stop wasting time on marginal divisive arguments.

Proposal for A New Discussion of Level Heads, Not Talking Heads

William F. Buckley, Firing LineWhat we need is a new well-designed national platform where the issues of the day are presented every week on TV/Internet; perhaps every Saturday morning – hosted by leading conservatives, libertarians, and moderates (but NOT politicians).

A re-birth of Bill Buckley’s “Firing Line” and the earlier most-watched “Fulton Sheen Program”.

A “bully pulpit” for inspiration, education, and connection – readily available to many millions of all ages and demographic groups is the beginning of a solution.   A platform focused NOT on feeding “red-meat” to the right-wing choir – but engaging in calm, thoughtful, and intelligent conversation with ALL Americans who are misled about what makes America exceptional:  including college students, minorities, young single women, gays, and even those currently on welfare/food- stamps.

Weekly discussions on our nation’s founding principles, the pitfalls and historical failures of collectivism, the strengths of a society based on individual liberties, the moral arguments for capitalism, wealth creation, and personal ownership – subjects badly misunderstood today.

Archbishop Fulton Sheen

Archbishop Fulton Sheen

A broadcast focused 100% on issues/ideas and NOT on personalities – without the shouting matches that mark many of today’s programs.

Could sponsors/advertisers be found for such a program? YES.

Would there be an audience? Absolutely YES! Many millions hunger for such discussion.

All we need is an organization to take the lead.


For Further Reading


Avatar photo About Jack Tymann

Jack Tymann:
As president of Westinghouse International, Tymann led business development in 75 nations. In the 1990s, he co–chaired the Clinton–Mubarak Presidents' Council for the Middle East.
Tymann currently serves in management positions with TerraCap Management Corp in Bonita Springs and Naples-based SEP World.
Tymann is a weekly guest on the Bob Harden Show, a frequent lecturer in SW Florida, and a regular guest commentator for the Naples Daily News.