What Happened to the “Torch of Liberty”: Russia’s Lessons to Learn From 3 November 2020

This is reprinted from an online scholarly Russian journal: Electoral Politics: International Journal of Election This analysis of the state of American elections is in a Russian scholarly journal. It is an amazing recount of how American elections have become more vulnerable to fraud. These Russian scholars bemoan the loss of America as a beacon […]

Weaponized Ignorance

The ignorance that I witness every day, while going about my business, never ceases to amaze me. How can someone not know about the Steele Dossier, and the role that it plays in this Russia collusion hoax that is being perpetrated at the highest levels of our government? I keep running into people that say […]

Why the United States was Designed as a Republic

Ben Franklin famously replied when asked about the government that was created by the Constitution: “A republic, if you can keep it.” “Democracy ” Not In Any Founding Document  The US is a Constitutional Republic, not a “democracy.” No American founding document, not the Declaration of Independence, the Articles of Confederation, or the Constitution mentions […]

The Government May Be “Shut Down” But The Constitution Is Hard At Work

Despite a century long[1] effort to eviscerate and ignore the Constitution, the government “shut down” demonstrates the document’s stubborn staying power.  As the news media works to “analyze” who will get the blame, no one mentions that the goal of the Constitution was to limit government by dividing power.   Though those in office will not […]

US Constitution’s First Amendment: Right to Petition for Redress of Grievances

The First Amendment of the Bill of Rights addresses five rights.  The limits on government interference with religion, speech and the press were the result of the uniquely American experience. The right to peaceable assembly was a needed protection to exercise the first three. The First Amendment’s fifth right will come as a surprise to […]

Primer on Economic Systems and Societal Organization

There are words used to describe systems of government and economic approaches to organizing societies.  In public discussions the differences are often lost and terms of government are used interchangeably with terms of economics.  Though a given approach to organizing government may lend itself to adopting a given economic system, government and economics are not […]