It is difficult to get a job in today’s economy, especially for an individual with a criminal record. For those with a criminal history in Florida[1] there is a process for some individuals to clean their records. For eligible individuals there are 2 potential outcomes for clearing a Florida criminal history. One is for the […]
Considerations in Filing a Claim in the BP Oil Spill Settlement
Please Note: The Final and Firm Deadline for filing a claim is: June 8, 2015 For more information use the contact form at the end of this article. The April, 2010 BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill affected nearly every industry around the Gulf of Mexico. Individuals, non-profit institutions and businesses not directly associated with […]
The BP Oil Spill Court Approved Settlement Process
Please Note: The Final and Firm Deadline for filing a claim is: June 8, 2015 For more information use the contact form at the end of this article. On April 20, 2010, a blowout, explosion, and fire occurred aboard the Deepwater Horizon, an offshore drilling rig, engaged in drilling activities on the “Macondo Well” off […]
Types of Property Ownership are Important in Estate Planning
The principal goal of estate[1] planning is to see that the wishes of the person who accumulated property[2] are met. The most familiar method for addressing this goal is a valid Last Will and Testament. An additional tool maybe a Revocable Living Trust[3]. Both of these legal tools are primarily designed to direct disposition of […]
Gideon v. Wainwright, 50 Years Later, Did Clarence Gideon Write His Appeal? Part 2
Clarence Earl Gideon had an eighth grade education and a long criminal history. He had been sentenced to prison for the fifth time. Upon his arrival he began to study law for long hours in the prison library. As the story goes, eventually, with a pencil and paper he scratched out an appeal to the […]
Requirements for a Valid Last Will and Testament in Florida
While Florida gives a person much freedom to dispose of his property (known as his “estate”) at his death, this freedom is gained only through the execution of a valid will. To be valid a will must meet defined formalities. Will execution formalities and the consequences of not having a valid will are found in […]
Real Estate Contract Contingencies & The Attorney Review Period
People making an offer to buy a home should be certain the written contract offer includes an attorney review period. Small contract matters can have big consequences. Residential real estate transactions typically begin with a written offer from an interested buyer to a seller. Form contracts[1] are often used with blank spaces for the property […]
Florida Misdemeanor Law
While less serious than felonies, a Florida misdemeanor arrest and guilty finding leads to criminal records with the FBI and state police. Florida misdemeanors carry a maximum punishment of a fine and up to one year in jail. Crimes for which a person may be punished by more than one year in jail or in […]
A Return to American Greatness, by Michael J. Dreikorn, Ed.D.
America was founded upon the principles of State sovereignty and individual rights. Citizens have rights, and powers are delegated to various governmental entities, by citizens. The role of the federal government is simply to provide for national security, and interstate commerce and safety. In the past century, the role of the federal government morphed from what was […]