On April 22, in a special primary election in Southwest Florida, Republican voters selected Curt Clawson as their nominee for the June 24th special election for the United States Congress. The campaign waged against Clawson had been perhaps among the most negative that the country has seen. His business record was falsely portrayed, and a false innuendo […]
Curt Clawson for Congress in Southwest Florida Special Election
In 2012 I became involved in the Byron Donalds Campaign for United States Congress in Southwest Florida’s Congressional District 19. It was a labor of love for our country and the principles of freedom and limited government that motivate Byron. While his campaign fell short I was blessed to develop a friendship with Byron. Following […]
A Return to American Greatness, by Michael J. Dreikorn, Ed.D.
America was founded upon the principles of State sovereignty and individual rights. Citizens have rights, and powers are delegated to various governmental entities, by citizens. The role of the federal government is simply to provide for national security, and interstate commerce and safety. In the past century, the role of the federal government morphed from what was […]