A Butcher, A Barber and Ma’s Tavern: The Shestokas Story

My grandfather was a Lithuanian immigrant. He had left Lithuania in the early 20th Century, primarily to avoid conscription into the army of the Russian occupiers of his homeland. It was understood that the Russians treated the conscripts from occupied lands in a manner that made military life unbearable. He did a short stint in […]

What Happened to the “Torch of Liberty”: Russia’s Lessons to Learn From 3 November 2020

This is reprinted from an online scholarly Russian journal: Electoral Politics: International Journal of Election This analysis of the state of American elections is in a Russian scholarly journal. It is an amazing recount of how American elections have become more vulnerable to fraud. These Russian scholars bemoan the loss of America as a beacon […]

Shestokas for Illinois Attorney General Petitions

David Shestokas is a candidate for Illinois Attorney General.  Illinois residents wishing to help Dave be listed on the June 28, 2022 Republican Primary Ballot can download the petition form at the following link: Shestokas4AG Petition Detailed instructions for circulating petitions are at this link, please read carefully as following the instructions are critical: Shestokas […]


Flag Day! “I Am Old Glory” I am Old Glory: For more than ten score years I have been the banner of hope and freedom for generation after generation of Americans. Born amid the first flames of America’s fight for freedom, I am the symbol of a country that has grown from a little group […]

Historians Impeachment Manifesto Gets It Wrong on Law and History

A headline that 700 “historians” called for the impeachment of President Trump took me back to the day that sent me on a personal and at times quixotic journey to spread the history, values and blessings that have accrued to us as Americans. As I think of it today, it was clearly the “historian-university” complex […]

ICYMI: DACA Goes To The Supreme Court

“[The President] shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed….” The United States Constitution: ARTICLE II, SECTION 3 There are a few other things going on besides impeachment. An example, the challenges to President Trump’s roll back of President Obama’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) got debated at the Supreme Court on November […]

Faith Vs. Flesh

  It has been a struggle since the beginning of time, material possessions and things that feel good vs. walking in the spirit, and obeying God.  From Eden and Satan taking the form of a serpent, to modern day, this is something that every one of God’s children faces whether they are a Christian, Atheist, […]

Democrats to self-destruct in 3…2…1..

Something occurred to me today. I was thinking about the fact that the accusations by Democrats directed at the President and even those directed at Justice Kavanaugh, are impossible to substantiate. These accusations are being made decades after the fact, or they are being brought to light through “anonymous sources”. Then I realized that this […]

What is behind Democrats’ quick pivot to impeachment?

Why did Pelosi shift, from staunch anti-impeachment to let’s do this? Did she finally give in to the lefty communist freshman, or is it something deeper? Why this sudden shift and need for this immediate removal of the President. My honest opinion, I think that IG Horowitz, Durham with a pedigree in exposing government scum […]

Iran drone attack, open and shut case?

        I was thinking today about the recent attack on Saudi oil, and I am starting to ask questions as I play devil’s advocate. The US State Department lead by Mike Pompeo, has come out publicly and said that Iran is responsible. Iran has denied involvement. I want to be clear here, […]