What Happened to the “Torch of Liberty”: Russia’s Lessons to Learn From 3 November 2020

This is reprinted from an online scholarly Russian journal: Electoral Politics: International Journal of Election This analysis of the state of American elections is in a Russian scholarly journal. It is an amazing recount of how American elections have become more vulnerable to fraud. These Russian scholars bemoan the loss of America as a beacon […]

Eugenics- A Historical Perspective

  I find it quite ironic, that leftist activist social justice warriors are so adamant when it comes to removing statues or memorials of Confederate Generals, or Confederate flags, while Planned Parenthood advocates for straight up genocide with blatant discriminatory racial implications. Margaret Sanger (1879-1966), founded the Birth Control League that was the precursor to […]


Consideration of the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights is often focused on abstract ideals, principles and philosophy.  Certainly these are part of the mix that guide our daily decisions and interactions with our fellow citizens. The freedoms and liberties we enjoy in the United States will forever be under attack […]

The First Amendment to the Constitution: Freedom of Speech

The US Constitution’s first ten amendments are called The Bill of Rights. The First Amendment limits the authority of government to enact laws impinging upon the natural rights of the people to practice religion, engage in speech, publish their ideas and assemble together to petition their government. Freedom of religion is the first named freedom. The second named […]