2024 is the 37th Anniversary of my admission to practice law. The final act of becoming a lawyer is to swear an oath to the US Constitution. As I took that oath in 1987, it crossed my mind that the meaning of this oath was never discussed during law school. I’ve thought a lot about that since. As […]
Lincoln at Gettysburg Renews American Proposition: All Men are Created Equal
James Wilson, a founding father from Pennsylvania, once said that “[l]aw and liberty cannot rationally become the objects of our love, unless they first become the objects of our knowledge.” Abraham Lincoln understood this well. A student of America, the Declaration of Independence and the country’s first principles, law and liberty were objects of Lincoln’s […]
A message from David Shestokas on the crucial relationship between the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution BOOKS BY ATTORNEY DAVID J. SHESTOKAS Constitutional Sound Bites explains America’s Founding documents in a format that is familiar to 21st century readers. This is accomplished in a simple, unbiased, easy-to-read presentation that takes into account the “sound […]
Trump at the UN: Part 4, The Western Hemisphere
Introduction Part 4 of a 5 Part Series This series begins with Trump at the UN: Part 1, a Tale of Two Presidents and a Vision On September 24, as President Trump addressed the United Nations he took his audience on a world tour that included China, Iran, Korea and Afghanistan. His final stop in […]
Is The OIG and Michael Horowitz Our Best Hope?
Our constitutional republic is predicated upon the rule of law. We stand to lose the republic and our freedoms when those who have been entrusted with power utilize that power, not for the public good, but rather for personal political gain. As we learn from the Declaration of Independence, “Governments are instituted among Men” to secure […]
Thomas Jefferson and I Need Your Help!
Never thought I would write about the connections of Adolf Hitler, Benedict Arnold and Thomas Jefferson, but they have come together in my life. Here’s how the world’s most infamous murderer, America’s most famous traitor and the author of the Declaration of Independence have become connected, and how you can help to separate them. Like […]
The Tyrannical Rule of the U.S. Supreme Court by Donald C. Brockett
What is meant by “tyranny”? It was the tyranny of King George that provoked America’s Declaration of Independence in 1776. It was “The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States.” that would […]
The 225th Anniversary of the Bill of Rights, Part I
December 15, 2016 was the 225th anniversary of one of the great achievements in the history of mankind: affirmation of the inalienable rights of man and specific limits on the power of government to interfere with the rights we are all born with under the laws of nature and nature’s God. These rights were affirmed […]
Constitutional Sound Bites for the Ear and On the Air
Different people learn in different ways. Many like to listen or watch video rather than simply read. This page features constitutional concepts for the ear, and interviews with constitutional stories and the background of the books Constitutional Sound Bites and Cápsulas Informativas Constitucionales. Both the English edition and the Spanish edition in print and as Kindle eBooks are […]
Senate Moves to Erase Thomas Jefferson From History and now Joined by House
During the 2017 controversies over Confederate monuments, President Trump sent out a prescient tweet with the following question: “…who’s next, Washington, Jefferson?” On December 21, 2017, the United States Senate, which operates under rules evolved from A Manual of Parliamentary Practice for the Use of the Senate of the United States by Thomas Jefferson, took […]