A message from David Shestokas on the crucial relationship between the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution
Constitutional Sound Bites explains America’s Founding documents in a format that is familiar to 21st century readers. This is accomplished in a simple, unbiased, easy-to-read presentation that takes into account the “sound bite” nature of today’s cyber-driven, fast-click culture. The Federalist Papers, by John Jay, Alexander Hamilton and James Madison explain the Constitution, but long newspaper essays are not the way Americans get information in the 21st century. Constitutional Sound Bites addresses this difference by translating an 18th Century message into a 21st Century format.
There are over 150 question and answer entries, and while the entries are all related, each conveys a stand-alone message about the philosophy, organization and purpose of America’s Founding Documents. At a time of deep divisions in the United States the book brings home the important fact that the shared heritage is not liberal nor conservative, Republican nor Democrat but American. The book also contains the Declaration of Independence, Constitution and all amendments.
Creating the Declaration of Independence is unlike any previous book about this immortal document. It covers the period leading up to the publication of the Declaration of Independence. Learn what led Richard Henry Lee to formally propose American independence. Find out how John Adams leaned on the man assigned to justify independence to the nations of the world, the soldiers of the Continental Army, and the American people, Thomas Jefferson. Feel like you are sitting with Jefferson as he pens history and the real possibility that they would be beheaded.
Cápsulas Informativas Constitucionales es una publicación nueva y pionera para la comunidad hispanohablante estadounidense. David Shestokas, abogado, en colaboración con la Dra. Berta Arias, profesora emérita en lenguas, por primera vez contextualiza para los lectores en español ambos el significado y los antecedentes históricos de la Declaración de Independencia, la Constitución y la Carta de Derechos.
Shestokas has also collaborated with Dr. Berta Arias, past President, Illinois Latino Council on Higher Education to produce Cápsulas Informativas Constitucionales, the first and only book about the Declaration of Independence, Constitution and Bill of Rights, designed for 36,000,000 Americans who are more comfortable reading in Spanish.
About David J. Shestokas, J.D.
Mr. Shestokas has been practicing law for over 30 years. He has served as Assistant State’s Attorney for the Cook County State’s Attorney’s Office in Chicago, IL. Follow him on Twitter (@shestokas) and on Facebook, join his group: Dave Shestokas on the Constitution and visit his website Constitutional and Legal Education and News.
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CONTACT: Jill B. Horist, jillb@shestokas.com, 312-804-4403
[…] pastor and congregation are represented by Attorney David Shestokas. He stated, “The Bill of Rights has no emergency exceptions. Although the governor has issued […]