The following are the questions from the Champaign Voters Alliance for the Champaign County Voters’ Guide along with my answers regarding my candidacy for Illinois Attorney General. The questions are in bold, followed by my answers. The questionnaire also asked for campaign contact information and that is included as well. The instructions for response are […]
Champaign Voters Alliance Questions for Illinois Attorney General Candidate Shestokas
Lincoln at Gettysburg Renews American Proposition: All Men are Created Equal
James Wilson, a founding father from Pennsylvania, once said that “[l]aw and liberty cannot rationally become the objects of our love, unless they first become the objects of our knowledge.” Abraham Lincoln understood this well. A student of America, the Declaration of Independence and the country’s first principles, law and liberty were objects of Lincoln’s […]
Eugenics- A Historical Perspective
I find it quite ironic, that leftist activist social justice warriors are so adamant when it comes to removing statues or memorials of Confederate Generals, or Confederate flags, while Planned Parenthood advocates for straight up genocide with blatant discriminatory racial implications. Margaret Sanger (1879-1966), founded the Birth Control League that was the precursor to […]
Modern Day Red Scare upon us, but Americans asleep at the wheel.
I find it quite ironic, that a country founded on principles of limited government and individual liberty is now turning to communist policies and demonizing success, in favor of extremely high tax rates. All of this just one year after President Trump pushed for and got significant tax reform that resulted in substantial tax […]
Consideration of the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights is often focused on abstract ideals, principles and philosophy. Certainly these are part of the mix that guide our daily decisions and interactions with our fellow citizens. The freedoms and liberties we enjoy in the United States will forever be under attack […]
21st Amendment Repeals 18th and Prohibition: Restriction on Liberty Fails
The only constitutional amendment ever repealed was the 18th which had ushered in Prohibition. The 18th Amendment was also the only amendment to restrict individual liberty rather than restrict government power.1 As the only such restriction, it was the only constitutional amendment at odds with the unalienable rights outlined in the Declaration of Independence and contrary to the natural […]
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is just the beginning! Communists rising!
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, also referred to as AOC by some media outlets, has unveiled her Green New Deal and its details. This whole thing is a progressive/socialist nightmare. The term progressive can be used interchangeably with communist, and you don’t have to look any further than purposed progressive policy to make this connection. […]