I have always attempted to draw attention to the 17th amendment, and the deleterious effect that it has had on the country since its ratification. How many people that you encounter on the street, would know what the 17th amendment is? I would have to say that the number would be low, especially since most Americans cannot name […]
How A Bill Becomes a Law: Article I, Section 7 of the Constitution
The Constitution’s Article I, Section 7 defines the process by which the federal government passes laws. Section 7 opens with the Origination Clause which requires “Bills for raising Revenue” to originate in the House of Representatives. The second clause and third clauses are known as both the “Presentment Clause” and “Lawmaking Clause”. The Presentment Clause is […]
Howard Baker: A Profile in Courage We Need Today
The passing of Senator Howard Baker (R-TN) brings to mind a time when the US Congress was held in high esteem.[1]Senator Baker valued country above partisan politics. His passing provokes thoughts comparing the Congress of the 1970’s to the Congress of the 2010’s. A Distinguished Career Highlighted by a Famous Question Senator Baker served 18 […]
Article I of the US Constitution
The United States Congress is the branch of government that passes laws. This authority is granted by Article I of the Constitution. The Constitution is organized into seven articles. Article I, defines the legislature, its powers and prohibitions and defines relations between the federal and state governments. Article II defines the presidency. Article III defines […]
Senate Moves to Erase Thomas Jefferson From History and now Joined by House
During the 2017 controversies over Confederate monuments, President Trump sent out a prescient tweet with the following question: “…who’s next, Washington, Jefferson?” On December 21, 2017, the United States Senate, which operates under rules evolved from A Manual of Parliamentary Practice for the Use of the Senate of the United States by Thomas Jefferson, took […]