This series begins by outlining the concepts of the Cloward-Piven Strategy of creating a crisis and then using that crisis to advance a political agenda and how the theories of Cloward-Piven built upon the radical teachings of Saul Alinsky. The second installment provides a real life example of the technique at work in Kansas City […]
About Sam Sewell
Rev. Sam Sewell is an ordained Christian clergyman, a psychotherapist, a member of Mensa, a U.S. Navy Veteran, and a Member of the Association For Intelligence Officers. He is a frequent commentator on religious and political issues. He is an International Commentator and a member of the Society of Professional Journalists, a frequent commentator on religious and political issues. His articles are published by Intellectual Conservative, "American Thinker, Pravda and various periodicals.
His articles, including his award winning research on Family Issues, are published in several languages
How to Create a Crisis and Steal a Nation: Part Three
How to Create a Crisis and Steal a Nation: Part Two
By Sam Sewell, Aristotle the Hun, The Rev. Big Goon and Good Shepherd Sam The Cloward-Piven Strategy (CPS), Saul Alinsky and the concept of clergy as undercover intelligence officers were introduced in Part One. What follows is from a former colleague drawing from his experiences in the 1970’s to explain how CPS was employed to […]
How to Create a Crisis and Steal a Nation: Part One
By Sam Sewell, Aristotle the Hun, The Rev. Big Goon and Good Shepherd Sam “Se non è vero, è ben trovato.” Note: It will quickly be obvious to the reader why details have been obscured, omitted or fictionalized in this fascinating narrative of events that began nearly forty years ago. Preface: Years ago I regularly […]
Children of The Beast
“The average man doesn’t want to be free. He wants to be safe.” H.L. Mencken Most people see the conflict between limited government and big government as a political battle between conservatives and liberals. This conflict is much more profound than political theory can encompass. The battle being fought in America today goes beyond politics; […]
Doing Well by Doing Good: Marketing and Management Science in the 21st Century
Benjamin Franklin understood that enlightened and ethical business practices produce more profit when he advised, “Do well by doing good.” Over the history of American capitalism other entrepreneurs have prospered through application of this principle. A short video featuring Harvard Business School historian Nancy Koehn makes the point that earlier entrepreneurs were driven by their […]