Natural Law and the Legitimate Authority of the United States

Declaration of IndependenceGovernment needs a basis to exercise authority over people. Citizens must accept government authority.  A government lacking acceptance of the people over whom it exercises authority will not endure.  Such acceptance comes from fear, tradition or philosophy.

Dictators obtain authority by instilling fear of disobedience in the populace. A theocracy ordained by God arises from religious traditions.  A monarchy combines religious traditions[1] and fear of the monarch’s absolute authority. Communists have gained power with a philosophy based upon the “dictatorship of the proletariat”.[2]  The United States was founded upon a philosophy of Natural Law as the source of legitimate legal authority for government.

Government by Philosophy:  Understanding, Acceptance & Consistent Conduct

For a government founded on philosophy to maintain its authority, four things are needed:

  1. An understanding by the people of the philosophy
  2. An acceptance by the people of the philosophy
  3. Conduct by the government consistent with the philosophy
  4. Consent of the Governed

Declaration of Independence Established Natural Law the Organizing Principle of the United States

Thomas JeffersonAs announced in the Declaration of Independence, the founding philosophical principle of the United States is Natural Law:

 “When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people … to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them …” (emphasis added)

The Declaration announced to King George and “mankind”[3]  the reasons for separation.  More than telling King George and the world why the colonies were separating, the men proposing to found the United States were explaining to the people the guiding philosophy of the new nation. The explanation was critical for the new government’s acceptance by the people of the United States.

Thomas Jefferson summarized succinctly the central principles of Natural Law theory:

  “…that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.”

 Understanding the Three Schools of Natural Law: Divine, Secular and Historical

There are three schools of Natural Law theory: Divine Natural Law, Secular Natural Law, and Historical Natural Law. Divine Natural Law has been revealed or inspired by God, or another supreme, supernatural being. Secular Natural Law is the consequence of nature’s physical, biological, medical, and behavioral laws observed by the human mind. Historical Natural Law or Historicism has evolved over human history through the accumulation of established practices and experience. As Historicism has as an evolutionary component, it is malleable unlike the Divine or Secular.

Divine Natural Law

St. Thomas AquinasDivine Natural Law is derived from revelations by a power greater than humanity. In Judeo- Christian tradition, The Bible and Torah reveal Divine Natural Law in the writings of divinely inspired authors. The legitimacy of enacted human law is measured by consonance with divine principles of right and wrong. Human laws inconsistent with divine principles of morality are invalid and should neither be enforced nor obeyed. St. Thomas Aquinas, a theologian and philosopher from the thirteenth century, was a leading exponent of Divine Natural Law. Human rights revealed by Divine Law are considered to be:

  1. Inherent
  2. Inalienable
  3. Indivisible
  4. Universal

 Secular Natural Law

Secular Natural Law recognizes there are immutable laws of nature. There are things in the physical world that are unchangeable. Examples are biology, motion, gravity, optics, and mechanics as noted by William Blackstone. Physical laws are observable and measureable. Observation and measurement of the physical world through the prism of human intellect reveals reliable truths about the world.

Secular Natural Law relies upon observation and measurement of human nature that exists outside of government. It identifies uniform and fixed moral and ethical norms. A government can no more interfere with these fixed elements of the human condition than it can decree that gravity will not apply in its territory. Inalienable and immutable human rights flow from human nature and exist independent of government.

John LockeJohn Locke observed these fixed elements of human nature include: liberty, equality and self-preservation. In the natural order of things, absent government, every individual possesses a right of self-preservation exercised on an equal basis with all others. Self-preservation inherently includes fulfillment of personal needs consistent with the liberties of others.

Human nature also includes elements like greed and narcissism inconsistent with the liberties of others. To address this inconsistency, people establish government to protect life, liberty, and property. Government comports with Secular Natural Law when it provides those protections. Government authority derives from consent to provide those protections. Government actions beyond that consent are illegitimate.

Historical Natural Law or Historicism

Historical Natural Law or Historicism is based upon the experience of human history. The historical school was founded by Friedrich Karl von Savigny (1779–1861). The Historical school rejects the immutable nature of either Divine Natural Law or Secular Natural Law.

Historicism includes the Divine and Secular concepts to the extent that they comprise customs and traditions. Historical Natural Law merely provides guidance in showing how societies have addressed issues over long periods of time.

Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.Historical Natural Law leaves law primarily in the hands of judges.  US Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. proposed that judicial wisdom is the most reliable source of law. In his 1881 book, Common Law, Holmes asserted that the only source of law is judicial decision.

The immutable rules for government legitimacy of Divine and Secular Natural Law are absent in Historicism. Rights, such as religious liberty, that are inalienable under Divine and Secular Natural Law become merely “fundamental”.  Historical Natural Law developed AFTER the founding of the United States.  It was not part of the founding philosophy.

Constitution RightsRecognition of  Unenumerated Natural Rights in the US Constitution

The Declaration of Independence affirmatively states the legal basis of the United States is Natural Law.[4] This leads to mandatory recognition of rights beyond the Constitution, or unenumerated rights. This recognition took the form of positive law[5] most firmly stated in the Ninth Amendment:

The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.”

This provision recognizes rights exist outside the written positive law. This principle, arising from Natural Law, along with the Declaration, provides the organizing philosophy for the United States government, its legal legitimacy and constraints upon its actions.

Rarely does the Supreme Court look to Founding principles of Natural Rights/Natural Law.  When it happens, it comes down on the side of liberty.  An all too rare example was arriving at the Second Amendment‘s right to bear arms as a personal and not collective right.

Divine, Secular and Historical Natural Law as Organizing Principles

Both Divine and Secular Natural Law have unyielding principles that can be looked upon for government legitimacy in citizen acceptance of government authority. They provide the basis for a “government of law, not men”.

Historical Natural Law, with its reliance upon custom and judicial wisdom ultimately provides no controlling principles and results in a “government of men, not law”.  As it grew in use by judges, they were freed from the constraining principles of Natural Law.  As the judges were no longer constrained, ultimately the other actors in the political system were no longer constrained.

Barack Obama State of the Union 2013Having been freed from the constraints of Natural Law, government officials are no longer feeling constrained to act within the boundaries of the positive law.  The Constitution is reduced to lip service, and in some instances not even that.[6]

United States Drift from Founding Principles Risks Losing Acceptance of the People

The dangers to a government acting inconsistently with the accepted philosophy can be seen in the 18th Amendment.[7]  This was the only amendment contracting, rather than expanding, freedom.  It was inconsistent with the principles of individual liberty.  It was widely ignored, and ultimately repealed.

Chief Justice John RobertsSince the time of Holmes,[8] the United States has drifted steadily in the direction of becoming a government of men, not law.  This drift pervades the government when a Congress imposes penalties on citizens for not buying a product.  A Chief Justice creates a “tax” that did not exist. A president orders a department of the government to not enforce a law.  A Supreme Court argument takes place about the constitutionality of legislation and no one discusses the Constitution.

The litany of extra-constitutional actions that effectively contract, rather than expand, liberty is long.[9]  Through the adoption the Historicism, in which a decision maker is constrained only by his own sense of history, the United States government continues to grow ever further from the Natural Law philosophy that gained and maintained the acceptance of the people.  The government runs the risk of losing its acceptance.  Control will only be maintained either through fear or propounding the idea that actions which violate the originating principles are now “tradition”.  In either event the end result is illegitimacy.

Natural Law Discussion with Sam Sewell

Two episodes of Constitutionally Speaking with guest Sam Sewell involved discussions of the importance of Natural Law in the Founding of the United States.  The two episodes can be heard here:



Esta entrada está disponible en español:  La ley natural y la autoridad legítima de los Estados Unidos

[1] The Divine Right of Kings proposed that God worked His will to appoint the monarch.

[2] Though communism and its proletarian dictatorship has been a philosophy employed to gain support for government change, history has shown that to maintain power, communist governments have had to become dictatorships and exercise authority by generating fear in the population.

[3] The Founders were pragmatic regarding international relations.  They understood the need for external support of the Revolution. It did come from the French.  Talent and skills from elsewhere including Poland (Pulaski, Kosciusko) proved critical.  The “explanation” to mankind in the Declaration attracted such help:  a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.”

[4] The Declaration intertwines Secular Natural Law (“Laws of Nature”) and Divine Natural Law (“Nature’s God”).  The two are compatible. Although each begins with a different premise, they each generally wind up in the same place.  “Thou shall not kill” being a Divine commandment and the Right to Life being an immutable law of nature is a simple example.

[5] Law written by men is referred to as “positive law”, distinguishing it from Natural Law. In the United States Constitution specific unalienable natural rights have been made part of its positive law in the Bill of Rights, e.g.: freedom of speech,  religion and press, keep and bear arms. Beyond rights written into positive law, unenumerated rights have been recognized as well, this recognition growing out of the country’s Natural Law heritage. While court decisions have dismissed the Declaration as being “law”, Timothy Sandefur argues that it deserves to be a guiding principle in constitutional interpretation.

[6] In the 2013 State of the Union address, President Obama advised: “But if Congress won’t act soon … I will.”  Not a ringing endorsement of constitutional process, and an example of lawless application of political power.

[7] Prohibition

[8] Holmes was a Supreme Court Justice from 1902-1932, defending liberty as a champion of free speech.  His belief in historical law made by judges may have come from his own dedication and predisposition to freedom.  Historical law ultimately releases judges and governments from the constraints of Natural Law. Holmes seems to assume all decision makers will have his dedication to liberty. Robert P. George provides an outstanding critique of the problems of Holmes’ rejection of Natural Law and his failure to recognize the danger of this thinking.

[9] These are recent examples, but the drift largely dates back to FDR and certainly has been bi-partisan.


For Further Reading



  1. […] result of Americans living on the frontier as de Tocqueville described.  It was the result of the underlying philosophy that served as the basis for […]

  2. […] sovereignty is a component of Natural Law.[3]  This sovereignty is the underpinning of the legitimacy of the United States, and ultimately the right to free speech.  At America’s founding the idea of free speech for the […]

  3. […] Law is the basis for the existence and governing authority of the United States.  The Declaration of Independence explains the genesis of the country as […]

  4. […] its concepts in The Federalist Papers.  The Federalist Papers were part of the process of gaining critical acceptance of the philosophies behind the new government. In Federalist No. 47, Madison cites Montesquieu as the author of […]

  5. […] The language previews both the Natural Law reliance of the Declaration of Independence and the “right of the people peaceably to assemble” of the […]

  6. […] Either Obama has no concept, no understanding, no grasp of how much damage he is doing to our country and the next generation of Americans, or maybe he does. He has either a deep seeded hatred for America and its values and wishes to destroy us from within, or he is so naive, incompetent and ignorant that he should have NEVER become president. Not even of a local home owners association, much less the United States. […]

  7. […] Bill of Rights contains protections for the natural rights of liberty and property. The freedoms of religion, speech, free press, free assembly, free association and the right to […]

  8. […] Declaration of Independence outlined the Natural Law basis for the legal establishment of the United States. Natural Law begins with a sovereign […]

  9. […] particularly John Locke’s Natural Law theories, explained the basis of legitimate government as the protection of each individual’s natural rights and personal […]

  10. […] execution and a message built around principles that resonate with the American people and provide legitimacy for governing. What’s next for the GOP goes hand in hand with: Who’s […]

  11. […] Perhaps traceable to Oliver Wendell Holmes’s The Common Law and his argument that judges are the real source of law, onto Woodrow Wilson’s “war to save the […]

  12. […] is consistent with the philosophy of the Declaration of Independence that government does not grant natural, inalienable rights, but rather government is formed to protect those […]

  13. […] J. Shestokas – Natural Law and the Legitimate Authority of the United States submitted by The Right […]

  14. […] J. Shestokas – Natural Law and the Legitimate Authority of the United States submitted by The Right […]

  15. […] J. Shestokas – Natural Law and the Legitimate Authority of the United States submitted by The Right […]

  16. […] United States government was established to protect a citizen’s natural rights. [5]  Individuals agree to limits on their rights, granting government limited authority to […]

  17. […] J. Shestokas – Natural Law and the Legitimate Authority of the United States submitted by The Right […]

  18. […] J. Shestokas – Natural Law and the Legitimate Authority of the United States submitted byThe Right […]

  19. […] J. Shestokas – Natural Law and the Legitimate Authority of the United States submitted by The Right […]

  20. […] J. Shestokas – Natural Law and the Legitimate Authority of the United States submitted by The Right […]

  21. […] J. Shestokas – Natural Law and the Legitimate Authority of the United States submitted by The Right […]

  22. […] J. Shestokas – Natural Law and the Legitimate Authority of the United States submitted by The Right […]

  23. […] place *t* with 1 vote -David J. Shestokas – Natural Law and the Legitimate Authority of the United States submitted by The Right […]

  24. […] place *t* with 1 vote – David J. Shestokas – Natural Law and the Legitimate Authority of the United States submitted by The Right […]

  25. […] place *t* with 1 vote -David J. Shestokas – Natural Law and the Legitimate Authority of the United States submitted by The Right […]

  26. […] place *t* with 1 vote -David J. Shestokas – Natural Law and the Legitimate Authority of the United States submitted by The Right […]

  27. […] place *t* with 1 vote -David J. Shestokas – Natural Law and the Legitimate Authority of the United States submitted by The Right […]

  28. […] J. Shestokas – Natural Law and the Legitimate Authority of the United States submitted by The Right […]

  29. […] place t with 1 vote -David J. Shestokas – Natural Law and the Legitimate Authority of the United States submitted by The Right […]

  30. […] federal government was created to organize a society and protect the natural rights of its citizens. To achieve those goals limits were placed upon the central […]

  31. […] to the Constitution.[1] For the Court to do such a thing is atypical, but demonstrates the role Natural Law has in limiting and legitimizing the power of […]

  32. […] principles, they looked to the political wisdom of the ages and determined the best protection for natural rights was separation of the functions and powers of government.  Two concepts were built into the […]

  33. […] Natural Law and the Legitimate Authority of the United States […]

  34. […] of the rights addressed by the Bill of Rights are Natural Rights (e.g. religion, speech, assembly) which exist independent of government. These rights are […]

  35. […] Constitution’s purpose is to establish a government to protect the natural rights of the people as outlined in the Declaration of Independence.  The government’s duty is to […]

  36. […] for life, liberty and property exist to limit the government’s interference with the inalienable natural rights of the Declaration of Independence. John Locke, the philosophical father of the Declaration, […]

  37. […] Fifth Amendment of the Bill of Rights mandates government procedures to protect the natural, inalienable rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness recognized in the Declaration of […]

  38. […] US Constitution‘s Fifth Amendment requires government procedures to protect the natural, inalienable rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness recognized in the Declaration of […]

  39. […] they looked to the political wisdom of the ages and determined the best protection for natural rights was separation of the functions and powers of government.  Two concepts were built into the […]

  40. […] It addressed an organizational aspect of government, not a recognition of either a civil or natural right.  It was not ratified, and technically remains alive for […]

  41. […] Republic: A republic has a variety of characteristics that define it. First and foremost is the existence of a written supreme law, or constitution. The constitution contains both guarantees and systems to protect the rights of minorities and to place limitations upon the power of transitory majorities. Another characteristic includes the process of selection of representatives to pass laws pursuant to powers granted by the constitution. The source of authority in a republic is the people as a whole, and the people as a whole ratify a constitution before it becomes effective. A republic does not operate under the 50% + 1 rule because of the components that limit the government’s power and the legal protections afforded to what are considered “natural rights”. […]

  42. […] of government attempting to impose on its population laws contrary to human nature. Government loses its legitimacy and general lawlessness is the […]

  43. […] the Sixth Amendment.  They are procedural rights designed to protect an individual’s inalienable natural rights of life and […]

  44. […] action of Second Continental Congress.  There was no precedent to begin a country based upon the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God.  The successful revolution of the United States, announced by its Declaration of Independence, […]

  45. […] had little to do with protecting the rights of the accused, and more with establishing the political legitimacy[6] of the government by providing a veneer of community […]

  46. […] legal authority to establish the United States.  Natural Law was the organizing principle.  An core principle of Natural Law theory is that people consent to restrict certain natural rights in order to gain the benefits of a civil […]

  47. […] place *t* with 1 vote -David J. Shestokas – Natural Law and the Legitimate Authority of the United States submitted by The Right […]

  48. […] principles, they looked to the political wisdom of the ages and determined the best protection for natural rights was separation of the functions and powers of government.  Two concepts were built into the […]

  49. […] From 1789 to 1913 the power to choose United States Senators was vested by the Constitution in the State legislatures. The Seventeenth Amendment altered the process by providing for direct election of Senators by the people. This fundamentally altered a carefully balanced power structure built into the unamended Constitution that served important purposes: to limit federal power and protect natural rights. […]

  50. […] action of Second Continental Congress.  There was no precedent to begin a country based upon the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God.  The successful revolution of the United States, announced by its Declaration of Independence, […]

  51. […] argued natural law was above the law of the “unwritten” British constitution.  Otis was a messenger for freedom, […]

  52. […] I think David Shestokas, in Natural Law and the Legitimate Authority of the United States, brings light to this question. He notes that “a government lacking acceptance of the people over whom it exercises authority will not endure.”  (It’s worth reading the whole thing.) […]

  53. […] Natural Law and the Legitimate Authority of the United States […]

  54. […] The addition of the Bill of Rights not only kept the promise of the Federalist advocates of ratification.  It was a confirmation of the outlined in the Declaration of Independence.  This act of the new government, consistent with its founding philosophy, further solidified the support of the population for the new government and its legal legitimacy. […]

  55. […] another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the […]

  56. […] another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the […]

  57. […] another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the […]

  58. […] Founders were well aware that having rule by a simple majority imperiled the natural rights outlined in the Declaration of Independence. They constructed a system designed to be ultimately […]

  59. […] welfare, the government is to create the environment that allows every individual to exercise his natural inalienable rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness without […]

  60. […] are speaking of American society.  America was founded on individual responsibility, and we have God given rights that are recognized in our Constitution, as we have always looked to limit the power of the […]

  61. […] it is referring to one’s allegiance to the country. This would include American values and principles of our government system and rule of law. The recognition of this Allegiance to America suggests that foreigners that are […]